Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Jamk university

JamK University of Applied Sciences is an international higher education institution with expertise in 8 different fields of study. At JAMK we have more than 8500 students from over 70 countries. JAMK is an excellent partner in academic staff and student mobility.

JAMK has several campuses in the city of Jyväskylä and a campus in Saarijärvi. City of Jyväskylä is located in Central Finland.In the field of culture we offer an attractive and creative learning environment, where you can develop strong instrumental skills and gain pedagogical competence. Music educators graduating from the Degree Programme in Music have extensive knowledge of the field of music, a high level of practical musicianship and the skills to apply their competence in different changing operating environments.

Our basic tasks are to
-provide higher education based on the requirements of working life
-carry out applied research, development and innovation activities (RDI) that serve UAS        education and support the world of work and regional development
-organise continuing education to sustain and promote lifelong learning in working life.

JAMK offers first- and second-cycle degree education, open studies, continuing education, and vocational teacher education. JAMK maintains close contacts with regional enterprises and organisations. The orientation of JAMK’s education and the contents of the various curricula are based on the needs of working life.

There are three Bachelor’s degree programmes and two Master's degree programmes at JAMK which are conducted in English. The application periods can be found from our web sites “How to apply for Bachelor’s degrees” and “How to apply for Master’s degrees”. In addition to the degree programmes, JAMK offer Open Studies, Professional Specialisation Studies, Continuing Education and Vocational Teacher Education.
Bachelor’s Degrees:
1. International Business
2. Nursing
3. Logistics Engineering

Master's Degrees:
1. M.Eng. Information Technology
2. Master Vocational Teacher Education
3. Master International Business Management

JAMK is an internationally oriented institution of higher education, which is manifested by the versatile cooperation with international partners, both in education and project activity. JAMK has partners in more than 40 countries around the globe. Over 2,500 international degree and exchange students have contributed to the internationalisation of JAMK and the city of Jyväskylä over the past 10 years, while enjoying JAMK’s high-quality education and the opportunity to complete their studies in close interaction with working life.

Many organisations offer scholarships or grants. Some of these might help you to study for a Master at JAMK University of Applied Sciences!

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