Saturday, February 20, 2016

The University of Vienna

The University of Vienna, "Alma Mater Rudolphina Vindobonensis" was founded by Duke Rudolph IV in 1365, 12 March. It is the oldest university in the German-speaking world and one of the largest in Central Europe. With its more than 70 locations, the University of Vienna shapes Vienna's cityscape. For many years Austria's capital has been the world's most liveable city and has been ranked among the most popular student cities in the world. the University of Vienna is the largest teaching and research institution in Austria. It aims to sustain a wide range of studies, but at the same time to promote new and innovative fields of research, and to establish new networks between subjects. From 363 European partner universities, the University of Vienna has entered into an ERASMUS-Partnership with 350 universities. Students from approximately 130 countries attend more than 10,000 lectures at the University of Vienna every year. University of Vienna, German Universität Wien, state-financed coeducational institution for higher learning at Vienna. 
The university was first chartered, following the model of the University of Paris, by the Habsburg duke Rudolf IV of Austria, as an expression of his rivalry with German king Charles IV, who had founded the University of Prague in 1348. After Rudolf’s brother and successor, Albert III, reorganized the foundering university in 1384, endowing it generously, broadening the curriculum, and making enrollment more geographically comprehensive, Vienna achieved first rank among universities in the German-speaking east, with special distinction in medicine, law, and theology.

The university was a centre of revolution in 1848 and in 1850 won important reforms, including greater freedom for teachers and students, the seminar method of instruction, and a wider selection of subjects. In 1878 women were admitted to study in the philosophy (liberal arts) faculty on a limited basis, broadened 11 years later; in 1900 the medical school became coeducational, in 1919 the law school. The modern university includes faculties of Roman Catholic and of Protestant theology, social sciences and economics, medicine, basic and general sciences, human sciences, and mathematics and natural sciences.

The Campus of the University of Vienna is a very special place: because of its history as the former General Hospital, because of its architecture and its overall concept.As a part of the University of Vienna the Campus unites more than 15 departments of the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies and the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies.

Studying at the University of Vienna means being part of a large and diverse community. About 92,000 students are currently pursuing a degree at the University of Vienna. About 27,000 of them are foreign students and come from 140 different countries. From astrophysics to zoology: Our students can select from the largest range of degree programmes in Austria. The University of Vienna provides more than 180 degree programmes, including 57 bachelor's programmes, 112 master's programmes and 3 diploma programmes, 8 doctoral programmes and 41 university continuing education and training programmes.

The University of Vienna is also the largest research and educational institution in Austria with a total of 6,800 academics. Our teaching staff embeds the principle of research-led teaching in their lectures. They impart knowledge about latest research findings in their courses and their students are able to participate in original research. The Campus is a place of work for students and researchers, but also a place of knowledge exchange, of art and culture, of business and entertainment. Congresses take place here, students meet researchers, researchers meet colleagues from all over the world, but you will also find many Viennese coming to the events or the local shops. Businesses, shops, restaurants and bars invite everybody to the Campus of the University of Vienna.  

With more than 180 degree programmes, 40 university continuing education and training programmes and about 93,000 students, the University of Vienna is the largest and most diverse educational institution in Austria. The University of Vienna celebrates its 650th Anniversary in 2015. It is the oldest university in the German-speaking world and one of the oldest universities in Europe. Our 650 years of experience prepare us for the issues and challenges of the future.

At the University of Vienna, we are convinced that diversity enriches community life and work. Diversity is encouraged by applying the principle of equal opportunities in all areas of university activity. The University of Vienna seized its 650th Anniversary to open its doors to the public and provide information about the University's responsibilities and achievements. The Alma Mater Rudolphina Vindobonensis – with about 9,700 employees and more than 93,000 students – organised various events to emphasise the importance of research and teaching in the further development of our society and in the education of future generations.

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